Common Misconceptions about PCB Design

As an owner of an electronic business, you need to rely on the expertise of PC design experts. Generally, you place a bulk order with a top-rated PCB manufacturing service provider. The manufacturer tries to meet every specification that you demand. There are certain prevailing misconceptions related to the PCB assembly process and design procedures. It is wise to be aware of such misconceptions. When you have clear ideas, it becomes easier to understand the technical sides of the PCB design stages and the manufacturing procedures. Read on to know the relevant details on this matter.


Misconception 1: Same Design Applies To Every Board

One of the common misconceptions of Printed Circuit Board Assembly is each board has the same design. But, it is not true in the sphere of technology application.

A top-rated manufacturer, such as GreatPCB, implements different designs for different printed circuit board assembly PCBA. Most of the time, the PCB design solutions are customized. There are some foundational similarities among the PCBs. But, on a broader note, there are differences in the design structures and details, meeting the specific functional features of the PCB device, and other technical factors.


The primary function of the board is a huge factor that determines the fabrication method. Also, it influences the type of assembly process. The experts at the PCB manufacturing plant take into account such factors while building and implementing suitable solutions.

Sum and substance, there is no single thumb rule in the arena of PCB design. The same design is not at all applicable to every board.

Misconception 2: The Placement of Components is Not Important

It is yet another misconception in the industry of PCB design and assembly process, which should not be taken seriously. The fact is the placement of components does play a major role in the implementation of the PCB design solutions. There are careful details taken into account while placing the components on the circuit board, following a set of standard rules.

In most cases, the manufacturer applies customized methods to place the components to make the board function in the desired manner. They try to make the PCB stable and efficient.

The physical heights of different components are important factors that one has to consider while applying to integrate the PCB design solutions while manufacturing the PCBs. The sizes of the components also play a major role in this context.

The functional particularities of the electronic scheme of the PCBs are determined by the way the components are placed on the circuit board. The pattern of placement also depends on the nature of the final electronic device in which the PCBs would be used.

Misconception 3: PCBS Are Not Environment-Friendly

It is another misconception that goes around the industry without any validation. There can be some truth to the claim, but, from a more scientific point of view, PCBs do have some eco-friendly elements that can’t be dismissed. The latest innovations have been making it possible to make the manufacturing process more eco-friendly. There is less wastage.

Moreover, importance is given to recycling techniques, to make the whole procedure sustainable. Top manufacturers, in recent years, have started implementing non-toxic fabrication materials to make the procedure more eco-friendly. The focus is on the more serious compatibility of the PCB design and assembly process with the environment.

Get Connected To Expert PCB Manufactures

When you have a requirement of a bulk order of PCBs, it is better to get connected to PCB designers and manufacturers with many years of experience in the industry. It is a guarantee that you would receive the required technical support from the company.
